What happens if permits are deemed INVALID?
Below is a list of City of Jacksonville, Building & Inspection Division employees that perform the duties of a plan examiner. The ones shown in RED are doing so without a Certificate as required by Florida Statute Chapter 468 Section 609 (4).
An appropriate Certificate is required for each discipline in which plan examination duties are performed - Building, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing.
Josh Gideon, Division Chief / Building Official and Chuck Gibson, Division Manager are responsible for the hiring, training and supervision of Plan Examiners.
Please see Florida Statute 468 Chapter 603 and Chapter 604 for more information.
What happens if any of these permits are deemed INVALID in a court proceedings?
Is COJ liable if an insurer refuses to pay a claim?
We must keep our Kids and Staff Safe!
School Boards are the largest bureaucracies with the largest local budgets in the State.
They often suffer from incompetence and malfeasance, particularly in the areas of planning, construction, renovation, maintenance and inspection of the facilities where our children spend most of their time being taught. The 20th Statewide Grand Jury determined that "district-run building, permitting and inspection regimes are unnecessary, inefficient, do not benefit taxpayers and create substantial conflicts of interests within the school districts". The 20th Statewide Grand Jury recommended "banning district-run building, permitting and inspection departments . . ." See more below.
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